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Advertise on Pinterest

How to advertise on Pinterest?

Businesses can advertise on Pinterest for advertising content and assist in reaching their target audience.

Are Facebook Ads a familiar concept to you? What about Google Ads, then? Advertise on Pinterest is a hybrid of what you can do with search engines like Google and Facebook.

Users of Pinterest primarily use the network to store ideas and find inspiration on particular topics, which necessitates using keywords. Because of this, Pinterest functions as a search engine.

To position yourself using SEO on Pinterest, you don’t need ads. However, you can broaden your audience on the subjects that most interest you by using Pinterest Ads.

Different Ways to Advertise on Pinterest

Pinterest is a flexible platform with several advertising formats available.

To help you choose the best strategy for your brand, we’ll break them down for you:

Image: This ad format requires you to use a vertical or square image to display your goods and content.

Video: This ad format uses eye-catching graphics to engage viewers better and give them more information about your brand and products.

Shopping: This ad format allows users to shop for specific products by converting them into pins and showcasing them on your website.

Carousel: To find out more, viewers can swipe through this ad format that combines several images.

Collections: This ad format combines video content with product images to demonstrate how your products are used in the real world.

Ideas: This brand-new ad format consists of numerous pages of video and image content produced exclusively for Pinterest to engage users and provide inspiration.

Why Advertise on Pinterest?

The scope may be astounding. If your content is interesting and valuable, it can be repeatedly re-pinned to various users’ boards, bringing new visitors to your website.

Compared to Tweets and Instagram posts, pins are much more durable. In addition, they are a compelling asset because of their longevity. After posting, pins may still appear in a user’s feed.

Pinterest encourages buying. 83% of weekly “Pinners” have purchased as a result of the content they saw from brands on Pinterest, according to Pinterest’s Feed Optimization Playbook.

It is not a bad idea to advertise on Pinterest. Gaining traction with potential customers and enhancing brand recognition could strengthen your organic presence.

You will have the option to set a maximum cost-per-click after selecting your audience (CPC). You can enter a bid amount here if you want to guarantee that you never pay more for a single impression or click than that amount. Pinterest will inform you if it’s competitive or not.

Advertise on Pinterest

Cost of advertising on Pinterest

You are well aware of the advantages and different types of advertising on Pinterest, but how much does it cost? Your campaign goal will determine how much it costs to advertise on this platform. The four options are building brand awareness, increasing engagement, boosting web traffic, and boosting sales/conversions.

To increase brand recognition, you should budget between $2 and $5 per thousand impressions (CPM). Costs associated with increasing online engagement range from $0.10 to $1.50 per engagement. When you drive traffic to your website, you will also pay between $0.10 and $1.50 per engagement. Finally, campaigns based on conversions are priced between $6.00 and $10.00.

Pinterest uses a bidding model for ad placements, just like other social media platforms. It indicates that you are bidding against rivals for particular keywords and placements. As a result, your advertising expenses will fluctuate based on your competition level.

Let’s consider a premium furniture brand looking to increase conversions. It would help if you were prepared to spend about $10 CPM because it would be a fashionable Pinterest search. On the other hand, you might pay about $6 CPM if you’re a niche brand looking to advertise on less popular searches.

How to advertise on Pinterest in 5 easy steps?

Advertising on Pinterest is made simple. As you create an account, choose your audience, and begin using the platform, it will hold your hand every step. Even a business-focused blog is available to keep you up to date on the most recent trends.

Set up your Pinterest business account

Let’s say you already have a personal account on Pinterest. Then, you can change it to a business account with just a few clicks. Then, it’s very simple to start running advertisements on Pinterest’s platform.

You must enter your company’s name, address, and email, add your website (where new traffic will go), and choose brand-appropriate interest categories. If these interests don’t exactly match, don’t worry; you can always change this later.

Create your first board

You’ll need a home for all of your beautiful new Pins, so make a board for your brand. You can keep this board private (under “Visibility”) until you have enough content to populate it attractively.

You can expand your boards as your Pinterest activity grows. For example, your furniture store may begin with a single panel and expand to include furnishings for each house room. Soon, you might have boards dedicated to work-at-home products, various types of chairs, or furniture in a specific colour.

Decide on the goal for your advertisement on Pinterest.

Before you proceed, make sure you start with the end in mind. What do you want the people who see your advertisement to do?

Here are some common goals to think about:

Brand recognition: Many small businesses want their name to be known. That’s a perfectly reasonable advertising goal, but measuring it isn’t as simple. You’ll pay per 1,000 impressions, but not all those views will result in downloads, sales, or other actions.

Unless you use Pins to send users to product-specific landing pages, most of your clicks will land on whatever page of your website you specify. What happens next can be tracked using your website analytics.

App install ads are intended to persuade users to download your app. You may not have a fully developed app in your back pocket if you’re new to advertising on Pinterest, but keep this option in mind for when you do.

Video views: If you use a Video Pin, your goal is video views, which can use in conjunction with brand awareness or other objectives.

Conversions: After your brand reaches a certain threshold, pay-per-click options like conversions become available (such as 50 conversions from your brand awareness campaign). You’ll likely focus on this goal in the end, but you’ll have to start with other options first.

Advertise on Pinterest lets you set geographical and demographic targets, keywords, and a budget to control advertising costs. Starting small is fine; you may want to save most of your budget until you become more familiar with Pinterest.

As you gain experience with the platform, consider retargeting ads to entice potential customers to make a purchase.

Create your ad content

It can be fun if you’re creative, but successful advertisements on Pinterest have certain characteristics. Therefore, you should keep in mind the following typical Pinterest advertising best practices:

Images on Pinterest appear in square and long formats. At some point, you should use a square Pin (for cross-posting from Instagram, for instance), but long Pins occupy more space and are more noticeable. Pinterest suggests 1,000 by 1,500-pixel images with a 2:3 aspect ratio. Long Pins may be 1,000 by 2,100 pixels in size, but if they are any longer, they will be truncated, which is bad for your brand.

Image quality: Stunning photos are crucial. If you’re making the images from scratch, stick to the rule of thirds, use high-resolution photos, and emphasise the close-up.

Pinterest gurus claim that warm colours—reds, yellows, oranges—get more clicks than cool ones (blues, greens, and purples). Additionally, undersaturated pictures—those that are bright rather than dark—perform better.

Make space for the text: Here, the rule of thirds serves a double purpose by allowing you to add copy in a way that strengthens your advertisement without detracting from your photo.

Automate and iterate

For advertisers, Pinterest is very user-friendly. It will monitor your ads’ performance statistics to see what appeals to your target audience. Even though Pins are durable, users prefer to see new content. So for a single item or piece of content, you can make multiple Pins. To keep them interesting, change the text, the call to action, and the visuals.

Let’s say you’re already running ads on other social media sites. If so, there’s a good chance you’ve discovered a social media management tool that suits your needs. You don’t need to look for a different Pinterest ads manager. Your current solution will likely accommodate your Pinterest goals.

Advertise on Pinterest strategies

Now that you know why Pinterest is an excellent social media advertising platform for businesses, let’s look at some advertising on Pinterest strategies. These will assist you in understanding the advertising process on Pinterest and will provide you with ideas on how to proceed. They will also help your company recognise the value of investing in Pinterest social media advertising. 

Use Pinterest ads manager.

Many businesses are unsure of how to advertise on Pinterest. Many companies advertise their social media on platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. As a result, most companies are unfamiliar with Pinterest. And in the absence of the traditional scrolling feed, many brands are unsure how their ads will appear to viewers.

Pinterest, thankfully, has a tool called the Pinterest Ads Manager. Like ad manager tools on other social media platforms, it assists you in setting up and running ad campaigns. The device is simple to use and get started with. After you’ve created your account, you can go to the ads portal and start there.

To begin advertising on Pinterest, create a new advertising campaign. Then you set a goal and add campaign details for tracking and metrics. After establishing the campaign’s foundation, you can choose your targeting information. It will assist you in getting your advertisements in front of the right audiences. Finally, decide on a budget, posting schedule, and a pin to promote. 

Use all pin types

Choosing a pin to promote is the last step in using your Pinterest Ads Manager. What does that mean, however? First, you should know several speciality pin types as you set up your campaign.

Promoted Pins: Through promoted pins, you can reach audiences with your advertisements. These are seen more frequently in user feeds and by a wider audience than organic pins. Your promoted pins can increase traffic, tie into particular campaigns, and spread brand awareness.

Rich pins: Rich pins use metadata to show content from your website directly on the hook. Product, article, and recipe pins are just a few categories of rich pins. These pins are more useful than descriptive text because they update automatically when the source data is changed.

Shoppable Pins: With its shoppable product pins, Pinterest also has e-commerce capabilities. Users can use it to find products that are immediately available and in stock.

Fine-tune your targeting & retargeting

You can precisely target your campaign, just like you can with all PPC and social media advertisements. Pinterest has two targeting categories instead of demographic data: keywords and interests.

When browsing Pinterest, users may search for particular words or phrases known as keywords. Keywords may include terms associated with your brand, business sector, or products. Similar to keyword targeting, interest targeting covers a wider range of topics. For instance, the keyword “non-toxic paint for cribs” could be used with the interest category “DIY furniture.”

Try different content types.

Using a variety of content types in your Pinterest campaigns is highly advised. Text posts cannot be used to vary the situation, but there are other options. For example, you can use GIFs or brief videos as your pin image instead of static pictures. It enables you to increase interest and grab your audience’s attention.

Jumpstart your Pinterest advertising today

For businesses, advertising on Pinterest has many advantages:

  1. It enables brands to present themselves to customers in an uplifting way. Brands can then market to consumers who are prepared to make a purchase.
  2. It allows businesses to focus on the visuals of their advertisements.
  3. Your ads reach a sizable audience thanks to the nearly 500 million monthly active users.

Mahira Digital Marketing Agency can assist you if you want to use a Pinterest advertising strategy immediately. We have years of experience using social media for advertising, including Pinterest. We are skilled at maximising the return on your advertising investment while advancing your company’s objectives. Please get in touch with us immediately to begin developing a successful marketing plan.

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