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How long does SEO take to show results?


How long does SEO take to show results?
How long does SEO take to show results?

The time needed to see when the SEO Show results first following a natural referencing strategy implementation is a recurring and legitimate question.

Indeed, the efforts to be made may appear too great if the benefits are long overdue. The answer depends on multiple parameters, but one thing is certain, the Google SEO of a site does not yield results in a few weeks.


If the timeframe to obtain results is complex to define, a few avenues allow us to get a more precise idea of when will SEO Start Working.

Performance monitoring and strategic optimization- First of all, to be able to know how long SEO takes to show results, it is necessary to have performance monitoring in place. This allows the communications manager to collect and analyze the performance indicators (KPIs) that are of particular interest to him.

You can measure them using tools offering features such as traffic monitoring, audience analysis, or tracking positions in the Google SEO results index.

Carefully and very regularly monitoring the performance of your SEO strategy allows it to be optimized as quickly as possible. The sooner corrective action is taken, the sooner the SEO Start Working and target will be achieved.

Referencing a new site- According to a study, the majority of the top positions in Google search results are occupied by web pages that are almost three years old. Considering the year following the publication of the web pages:

  • Less than 6% of them rank on the first page of Google search results, or SERP (in the top 10),
  • 75% of them do not reach the top 100.

These rates do not mean that it is impossible to position yourself for a new page. They simply underline the importance of the seniority criterion.

If you reference a newly created site, it takes time for search engines like Google to find, crawl, and index its content. Then, it cannot immediately claim to acquire a high confidence index. Google can quickly check if the site follows the best practices it recommends. However, the search engine needs time to decide if the content of this new site is worth showing to its users in the first results.

Of course, the timeframe for a successful SEO works varies depending on the industry and the competition. A site exploiting a little-frequented commercial niche will obtain a good positioning in Google search much faster than a site in a highly competitive activity.

The quality of the SEO strategy put in place also plays a big role. Thus, an SEO agency with long years of experience has a better chance of quickly achieving good results in natural referencing because its strategy is proven.

Referencing an existing site- The seniority criterion appearing to be very influential; it is, therefore, essential to consider the SEO history of an existing site to know how long SEO takes to work. Three scenarios explain an unsatisfactory Google ranking for this type of site. There are:

  • Those who have never worked on natural referencing,
  • Those who have hardly ventured there, or have done non-qualitative work,
  • And those who, despite real SEO efforts, have never seen page positioning take off on Google.

The time required to observe when SEO Show results first vary: a site where everything has to be set up needs more effort and time to be well referenced and therefore well-positioned. Again, a search engine crawls your pages multiple times and over several months to make sure it is a trusted site.

For everyone, however, the right SEO strategy will pay off in the long run. For those whose challenge is more complicated, because of Google penalties, very high competition, or others, the skills of experienced SEO experts can obtain convincing results.


An effective SEO strategy proceeds in key steps.

Performing a site audit- If your site is not new, the SEO audit is the starting point of your SEO strategy. It allows to:

  • Identify potential technical errors in order to correct them (absence of meta-description tag, alt attributes on images, external links such as backlinks, incorrect ranking of titles, etc.),
  • Identify the lexical field used in order to be able to orient it correctly if necessary, and expand it,
  • Identify poorly positioned content.

Definition of the keyword strategy- To improve the positioning of web pages in search engine results, it is necessary to define the keywords on which to generate content. Defining a keyword strategy allows you to benefit from a perfect vision of the content to be implemented as well as the relationships to be forged between the different pages.

This consists of carrying out an in-depth reflection on the selection of the appropriate terms by listing words and expressions:

  • Used by those skilled in the art to naturally describe the company’s products, services, activities,
  • Used by customers, putting themselves in their shoes,
  • On which the competition is positioned.

This selection then makes it possible to create a true semantic cocoon, ideal for determining a large set of relevant topics related to keywords.

Content writing and optimization- Writing quality pages or articles uses the previous work. The right keywords are used to produce rich, relevant content, providing Internet users with answers and solutions to their intentions. Finally, it is necessary to optimize the existing content previously identified to improve natural referencing on their keywords.


Real content strategy- It is crucial to think about the content to offer to your audience to develop a real strategy in this area. Thanks to an editorial schedule established upstream, you can:

  • Distill the right content at the right time,
  • Generate and update it at regular intervals,
  • To mix hot and cold content,
  • To build a coherent whole responding to the intentions of prospects and customers.
  • A strong identity and multichannel communication

The notoriety of a site does a lot to attract a lot of traffic. Developing a strong identity makes it possible to build a large community with which to establish a relationship of trust. The diversification of your communication media, combined with the production of quality content, will inevitably bring traffic to your site.

Consistency in efforts- In order for the referral time to be as fast as possible, you should not be stingy with efforts. It is important to know that crawlers visit a regularly updated site more often, for example, with the weekly publication of blog articles.

However, frequent exploration of your pages is essential to improve their positioning. Finally, you must avoid going beyond Google’s SEO rules. Being too impatient to get compared to the duration of SEO results can make you penalize and ruin your efforts.

Do not doubt the merits of implementing an SEO strategy because it will give convincing results in the long term. You have to show will and patience, the complexity of natural referencing requiring thoughtful and constant work.

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