
If you no longer see the results of your sales campaigns of the past and your salespeople are struggling to be heard by prospects, you may be considering the idea of using a new source of lead generation. Digital is certainly the most effective channel to generate new valid B2B business contacts, and in this post, we will examine how to increase organic traffic.
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Let’s see how to increase the organic traffic of the website.
You are not alone in this challenge. It seems that many companies are desperate for solutions that increase organic traffic on websites and make them appear on the front page of Google search results.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is not just a set of basic rules; it requires the site to be transformed into a fully functional mechanism. By following some practical tips, you can definitely improve the results of your SEO strategy, if you already have one, or find out how to set it correctly without running the risk of wasting time, energy, and money, improving the positioning of your page in web searches. Keep reading this article to know tactics on how to increase organic traffic.
8 tools to increase organic site traffic through SEO
There are many tricks to increase website traffic organically; 8 of them are shown below:
1. Take care of the contents of the site: Always keep in mind that the content you prepare should be useful to people, not search engines. It is essential to include the keywords chosen for the promotional campaign on your pages, but the most important aspect is that the proposed material is full of useful and meaningful information.
Note: Search engines favor new and relevant content. Very often, it happens instead that the contents of a site always remain the same, static; for this reason, a blog can represent a winning choice, including a blog.
A blog can be updated every week, and by writing new posts, you can build a relationship with your audience, demonstrate competence and authority on the topics of the sector and offer Google new pages to index. In this way, you will achieve the desired effect, i.e., increase organic traffic on website.
2. Have a unique, short, and descriptive title of the page: Following the advice of the Hubspot platform, the title of the web pages should be less than 70 characters and should not have more than three long-tail keywords. So make sure that the names of the sections of your site are unique and recall their actual content to increase organic traffic on website and ensure that it is of quality.
3. Don’t forget tag heading: Don’t be scared; heading tags are the paragraph titles used when formatting text. In the HTML language for web writing, such headings are obtained with the use of the tags H1, H2, H3, etc. Learning the use of heading tags within a block of text is important for the correct indexing of Google: they signal to search engines WHICH words are more important than others in a text. Choose 1-2 for the page title, others for section and paragraph titles, and still others for the body of the text. Google will recognize these tags as real labels indicating the topic contained within the web page, bringing you new visitors who are looking for your offers and this will increase website traffic organically.
4. Don’t neglect the power of meta description: This expression indicates the short textual information found in web search results, just below a link. Its function is to describe to the search engine users the content of the site that appears in the results. It is advisable that it has no more than 150 characters and contains at least two of the keywords used for the page name. The meta description gives you the opportunity to communicate why that user should click the link and visit your site and therefore increase organic traffic on the website.
5. Must incorporate the URL with keyword: The address of your site (URL) must contain the keywords: also use the name of the page, in order of importance, obviously writing the main keywords first. You can separate the words with the help of hyphens (-): Google recognizes the hyphen as a separator of the different words, while it has not yet assigned the same function to the underscore (_). Each element of SEO increase website traffic organically to your site, do not neglect any aspect!
6. Don’t underestimate the power of pictures: All images used within the web page should be renamed using keywords. As with the URL, hyphens can be used to separate the different terms, but today it is no longer necessary because Google recognizes the spaces between one term and another. Don’t forget, returning to the HTML language to include the so-called alt-text, a word or phrase that describes the image. Search engines will recognize the Alt-text and will give you another chance to be found by attracting more qualified users to the site that will increase website traffic organically.
7. Take advantage of internal links: Connect your page to other sections of the site via two or three links. Take advantage of internal links to show visitors what and how much other interesting content you have to offer and invite them to continue browsing. It is not enough to attract the visitor; you need to be able to keep him on the site, encouraging him to discover more and more information.
8. Incorporate meta-keywords: The so-called meta-tags, used in the HTML language, although no longer part of the classification algorithms, are still useful, and it is advisable to include 3-5 containing keywords to increase website traffic organically. Some smaller search engines still use meta keywords to index a site.
Dominating the rankings of search results is a difficult job, which requires time, knowledge of the market, and, above all, long-term strategies. This article has taught how to increase organic traffic. However, there is no solution that fully covers the possibility of getting the top positions, and also, you don’t have to rest when the first organic traffic starts to arrive on the website. Sure, blogging and perfect content optimization help bring first results in shorter times, but having a long-term SEO strategy will save you energy and guide you in creating content for your site.